Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A Tribute …

Amidst the massive banyan trees;
winds blew - crosswise the pretty parish.
You knew as you stood by the red-sands,
that you had discovered our shelter- our lives.
You perceived the scent of summers,
through the antiseptic breeze.
You heard the years of laughter,
inside the rustic doors.
You looked past time
to perceive unrestrained charm.

You fought against the atrocities of social past
with a refining hand and a classic grace.But rarely have we dwelt upon the nobleinfluence that was your life.

Memories …
they flow like clouds in the sky,

Walking with you to the river-side,
then playing in water for hours.
Sitting with you at the Banyan-base,and the debating on contemporary philosophies.

The stories that you tell of your five comrades.
and how we would listen to you nights along.
How we used to scroll into the blankets beneath your bed,attend to your blessings and catch a nap in between. These reminiscences are all ours
They are heavy in sight and sound in elegance.
They are your life and our childhood.
They are your accomplishments and our inheritance.
They are -who you were- and how we have become.

Its only been a few days,
but, one can't change facts.
And as a beloved said;
“Some things are out of our control”;
Its gods wish - the divinity’s call

We can still feel that warmth rising,
Cloaking us in humid comfort;
The flowers that has grown from you,
makes you eternal
Take Care…Heavens await you!
Dedicated to our Grandma