Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Rhythm of Life…

Life… as if, awe,
Wings stretch long…
Target, to touch the horizon…
It flies and flutters along…
Till its weary wings set blaze…

Life has long seasons adorn…
Spring, being the foremost as a child…
Sparkling and blooming with innocence.
“Beautiful”- its quintessence.

Then the nimbus clutters along,
Sprinkling drops of glory, like a song…
And in its melody the meadows cheer up
from their deep melancholy.

And.. The winter moon arises.
Sets the world in cold hibernation…
The Fog and dampness ... start taking over…
and snow-peaks grow their Santa-beards…

Then the beast of all seasons…
Summer, fiery and ferocious.
Life… at once sinks to gloom
And it is destined to doom…

The vicious circle takes its course…
May the world… the Earth,
sink in the flow of time…
Soul and heart never retires…
Perennial …. Perpetual….Persistent

Each time with a new base,
and a new background,
Same soul respires… new bounds en-bound…

Rhythm of life is here,
with lots of joys near…
“live” ur life… as if u r living,
Live Strong…


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